Read all about the skills that one pupil, Kazim, gained.
For my work experience, I went to Gartmore Riding School for three days. My friend and I both went there to work. The members and staff there were friendly and welcoming to everyone. They gave us a range of jobs to do. Our job was to clean whole fences, where horses live, including gates. There are over 60 fences (4m x 2m) and they are covered with algae, soiled and muck! We have to make it as shiny as silver because there would be new vets - who want to look after big animals - coming from Africa. We began to demolish all of the poops (on the fences and gates). It was tedious but we kept going!
After day one, it became monotonous to our interest and we turned into melted butter (due to the heat!) as we incessantly cleaned. We struggled with it and it was very difficult. But we have to keep working; perseverance. After day two, we nearly finished it off.
After the final day, fences and gates are washed, spotless and glossy instead of poop, soiled and mucky! There were still two hours left and we decided to get rid of fixed stems in the ground to prevent people tripping over it.
This work experience has given us a massive boost and improved my skills: resilience, working in heatwave conditions; determination, constantly washing all the fences and gates, and perseverance.
Written by Kazim