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We are thrilled to be launching the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme to our KS4/5 students. 

The award is recognised by employers, colleges and universities in the UK and around the world and many people have found that it has given them a leading edge when applying for courses and jobs. 


Participating in the award brings new interests and leads to a growth in self-confidence. There are four sections to the award: Volunteering, Physical, Skills and Expedition. The first three sections are usually carried out over a period of three or six months with support from  DofE Leaders.

 Training and practice for the Expedition section is usually in the summer term. With the qualifying expedition in June or July.  The expedition, an overnight walking/camping trip or kayaking/camping trip, is done as part of a group of between five and seven students. The expedition section of the award is led by qualified Duke of Edinburgh coordinators and assessors. School has equipment for this section, students do not need to provide their own tent, rucksack or cooking equipment.

  The cost of the whole DofE Bronze award programme, including expedition and practice walk,is met by the school. 

Information can also be found at